Sunday, February 26, 2006

I have arrived

The flight was fantastic, which is funny way of describing an 11 hour flight. But the thing was that it was clear sky so we were flying at 10,058 meter / 34,000 feet and you can look down and see the earth. We flew over Iceland and saw some fantastic views. I could see the mountains and valleys and it was mostly dark brown colouring. When we reached Greenland, was all white. The nature looked so untouched by humans.

I did have a 'blond moment' over Greenland. I was looking out of the window and thought "Oh – that is an Iceberg WOW". The logic kicked in … hmmm can I really see an iceberg for 10,000 meter? Answer no. Then I thought it possible could be a mountain chain in Greenland but that didn't work either since Mount Everest is 8,000 odd meters. So it has to be a cloud that I was looking to but it looked amazing.

I feel asleep between middle Greenland and end of Canada. Calgary looked like a tile layout. All grid networks and the view wasn't really ending.

For once I was in window seat, and could enjoy the view. I am aisle person and I still prefer that, I don't like to be enclosed by other people. My boyfriend wasn't sitting next to me, full flight and late booking. My luck today was to have a chatty man who needed a shower that didn't get the boundaries where his seat ended and my begun.

US customs was no problem and it all went smooth. We picked up the rental car. Got an upgrade to City Jeep from the cheapest, smallest car we could get. The kind woman behind the counter really thought that we should drive a bigger car. The car, however, smells of weed. There was a svirl incident on the high way from the airport but it was only close nothing happened.

I am now sitting in the café with wifi where everybody sits and socialise with a laptop in front of them.

I am getting knackered now but I need keep going for a few more hours.

Oh yeah … THE WEATHER. It is SUNNY (yippi) and around 17 C degrees. Niiiice.


Blogger Newsha said...

HI Lizze:)

Are you having fuuuunnnnnn? ;)

I liked the view you had while flying...All I wish for my fly is a great view so I will be able to forget about the fact of FLYING!!! haha

2/26/2006 12:05:00 pm  
Blogger Johannes said...

i thought flights were boring per definition, but maybe there are exceptions even to that rule :)

2/26/2006 08:54:00 pm  
Blogger lizze said...

I should have tried to take some pics of the view over Iceland and reenland - to share.

2/26/2006 09:55:00 pm  

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