Monday, March 27, 2006


Either you have it or you don’t.

I don’t.

In one of the emails doing it rounds today, one picture bothered me so much that I brought up for conversation in our office. This picture disturbs & angers me.

How can poor people in a relative poor country give food to rats? I know the answer is "this is sacred to them".

But how of about stop and THINK of what you are actually doing? Don’t tell me that this drink or food can be used better on a hungry family which would make them less depended on handouts and be able to support themselves better?

I simply c a n n o t understand this picture.

The conversation in our office was that the two with faith defended this picture and whereas the two who don’t have faith stuck to the logic and argue against this waste.


Blogger Newsha said...

wow! what a picture.

well I do hate that kind of living.
But it's just screaming out a truth. that some people do think they can live friendly beside their enemy without any war. they can help eachother and live and never bother.

If you see it that way then it's not waste in their perspective.

3/28/2006 08:39:00 pm  

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