Thursday, February 09, 2006

Shit stirrer

In my part of the world, the dust is settling a bit and some more facts about these 12 cartoons are surfacing.

En Egyptian newspaper published some of these 12 cartoons the 17 October 2005, see Freedom for Egyptians’ blog.
And where was the riots, burning of flag & Embassies? The hypocrisy, again, is striking.

So what happened between End of Sep/17 Oct 05 and End of Jan 06?

Well, basically the shit stirrer Imam Abu Laban from Denmark went on tour in the Arab world to gain “momentum” for his cause.

And how did he do that?

He added fake pictures in his portfolio, and these fake pictures are not in the league of a caricature. The new additions are offensive and he even gets caught on BBC News player – on DFH’s blog. This website shows the whole leaflet from Abu Ladans organisation Det Islamiske Trossamfund.

One of Abu Ladans offensive pictures, man with a pig nose on, has it origin from when motor mechanic Jacques Marrot ran for the annual French championships in pig squealing in the southern French city, Trie-sur-Baise and nothing at all with the 12 published cartoons.

All these riots are a sign of manipulation from the governing Islamic leaders.

And how could this happen?


And how have these fact been discovered?

It has to be said that it is more thanks to the blogosphere then to main stream media for this discovery.

If the French and European papers had not re-printed these 12 cartoons, then this fact with the added pictures would not have surfaced.

Critical thinking in the Arab world is lacking and this is due to the absent of Freedom of Speech. This goes from any political leader that has condemned the 12 cartoons to the rioters.

Level of manipulation in the Arab world is alarming. More then one source of information is needed to get better insight of what is going on.

The agenda of the religious leaders of Islam is more transparent and it is hostile to the Western World and our society.

The Western World will not turn into Islamic States. For those Muslims living in the West, the main adjustments have to be from their side towards the Western society values. They can still practise their religion but their religion can never take precedent over the Western values.

Diversion; it is easier to gather the masses to hate the Western World then having them questioning the injustices in their own countries. Why not use this energy and effort to try to better themselves and their country?

The Muslim scholars that wants to change UK law to stop “insulting pictures” (I read: any pictures) the Prophet Mohammed (btw, does that also include Jesus and Moses, which Islam sees as prophets as well?) must not be allowed to limit any part of Freedom of Speech.

Jylland-Posten has writen an article from their point of view - thx AJWZ for blogging about it!).


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