Monday, March 27, 2006


The Danish Iman Ahmed Akkari, who went on the road trip to the Middle East and stirred up a lot of trouble, has now been dismissed from his position as spoke person for The Islamic Faith Community in Denmark.

Ahmed Akkari made the following statement on a hidden camera: "If he (me: the Danish politician Naser Khader of the Democratic Muslims) becomes minister for foreigners or integration shouldn't one then send two men to blow him and his ministry up?"

Ahmed Akkari claims it was a joke.

OH I GET IT NOW … if it is a joke then it is ok … if the jokes comes from the Muslim community then it is ok to say…

Ahmed Akkari's comment is the definition of being two-faced.

And where is all the indignation, the world media etc that was around when the 12 Cartoons news story ruled the world??

This is a statement, after all, from the man that created the foundation for it.

No, when it goes the other way around where one has to criticize a Muslim Leader then nothing. The silence speaks volume to me.

And after thinking of this a bit more ... this is a Muslim leader suggesting to blow up a member of the Danish parliament - that sounds like a terrorist to me. Hey - what was those cartoons all about again?

Yup - that is right ... they hit a sore (true) spot, didn't they?


Blogger Mohamed said...

Hi Lizze,

How r u?

Hope that enjoyed your vacation in America:)

I'm so amazed that you talk about some deeds which don't represent Islam,and is silence towards good deeds which really represent Islamic message and teachings of Prophet Mohammad.
I know and sure that it's not your fault,but it's the fault of Media which make a big microscope on the bad and leave the good.
I think that it's a war against Muslims to show them in the bad and false image,and to make them the enemy of the world,and to isolate them,and to convert the neutral people into enemy of Muslims. This war is so clear.

One of the good deeds is a public conference made in Denmark between Muslim and Danish youths,with three famous men in Islamic Arabian world.. Did you hear about it?!!!

3/31/2006 11:03:00 pm  
Blogger lizze said...

Hi Mohamed,

I am fine thanks for asking & my holiday is was good.

In my blog post, I noted that the man who laid the foundation to rioting in the Muslim countries is two faced with his suggestion to bomb a Danish member of parliament. I think he is a bad representative for the Muslim community and I hope for your sake that he is a rare occurrence. Still, you let yourself being influenced by him and his lies. There was no questioning in what he said and without Freedom of Speech – his lies would never have been found out.

In this case, you cannot blame the media. I am blaming the media for daring to deal with a negative aspect towards the Muslim leader. The fact that I found this out is because I can read in more then one language. I then had go and investigate to find this news in English so I could link it in my blog post.

If this man and his actions do not represent Islam then you have to do something about all these people that do these crazy things in Islam name. We have had the conversation before and I still think that a cause/religion/philosophy is partly being judged by its followers.

Fair enough Mohamed, that I don’t mention the every day life here in London where people live next to each other without fighting. I live among Muslims in London, I go on the tube with them and I actually don’t even notice it. To me they are just other Londoners – it is for this answer is I am differentiating them.

4/01/2006 11:08:00 pm  
Blogger Mohamed said...

Absoluotly he is a bad representative for Muslims,but there is no society without faults.

And I have a word about Judging a religion through it's follwoers;you can judge its followers by actions of its followers,but to judge the religion itself you should get back to its texts and application of these texts throught real representatives of it.

If you want some of what international Media said about this conference,the link is:

I wish that you have a look on my last post dated 2-4,

4/03/2006 06:54:00 am  

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