Saturday, April 01, 2006

April’s fool, eh?

*sigh* yup, I am an April’s fool and I bought it fully. I didn’t even stop to think or was slightly suspicion. Nope, I read it twice and then WTF??

One of the torrent sites that I use had put on a spoof BBC news story stating that the MPAA and BBC had closed this site. Since I think that MPAA is a very vile organisation and I was kind of surprised that the BBC had jumped on the same bandwagon, I bought the story.

I have a few excuses if you are interested, if not, time move on to the next blog. I had just slept for a few hours, gone up 3.20 am to watch the qualifying for the Australian F1 – I was tired ok? I was focus to find the torrent for Hustle and I didn’t appreciate to find a news story that the site was closed. Did I mention it was 3.20 on Saturday morning??


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