Saturday, January 07, 2006

Nothing that I didn’t already knew

Robert Schobles’s wife Maryamie wrote a post about why one should date a geek.

Robert Schoble works for Microsoft and his claim to fame is that he writes a blog that can be negative towards MS.

As for mine boyfriend, he is better on social things then me (or more interest in it then me) and I am not so sure that he would give up the latest tech thing for Angelina Jolie. It has to be something real unique tech thing if it is gonna sway his attention from AJ.

Boyfriend got AJ and I got Keanu Reeves. The Matrix’s film were like a wet dream for me *haha* plus they were good too.


Blogger Newsha said...

SO you like Keanu Reeves...good choice;)...

all boys say they like AJ ... and she is hot...well they can have her:D...while we have better choices like Keanu Reeves and Brad Pitt;)

1/07/2006 07:30:00 pm  

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