Saturday, October 29, 2005

Day 5: 14 October 2005

The plan for today is to go to the Fashion Markets, Xiangyang Park = where all the genuine copies of all the major brands are being sold. I have been to this kind of markets before in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and I was completely hyped by it. But when I came home to the UK I didn’t use most of the stuff that I bought.

The Market in Shanghai was much, much bigger but the stuff were the same over and over again. The street hustling reached new and higher levels. The first 5 minutes, I was really bothered by it but then I could not careless about them. I did like the irony that Chinese police was walking around in the Market making sure that no pick pocket thieves (my guess) would not bother the Westerns. They totally ignored the trade of fakes. At this part of the town has more westerner influence with western stores and I think many of the Western Hotels are located here too.

We didn’t buy much at all; I bought a “Prada” bad. I would have bought a black Burberry trench coat but I could see that the pattern was wrong. I can’t see the reason if you are going to make genuine copies why use the wrong pattern. We walked back to the hotel and we stopped by at the Hong Kong plaza where tech stuff is sold. Boyfriend tried to buy two PSPs but didn’t get a good price. He checked with three different (?) places but they all gave the same price. My guess is that they did not undersell each other.


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